Copy Manager

Get all your pack copy collated and approved in one place

Streamline your copy creation, approval and versioning

Flexible Copy Creation Methods

Create packaging copy from scratch, templates, or existing content to meet diverse product needs

The Copy Manager offers many options for creating packaging copy to cater to various needs and scenarios:

  • From Scratch: Users can craft copy elements from the ground up, providing the freedom to develop unique content for specific product needs. 
  • From Templates: A range of customizable templates with predefined copy elements is available, which users can select and tailor to ensure brand consistency and compliance with regulatory standards while accelerating the creation process. 
  • From Existing Copy: The system allows for the duplication and modification of existing copy elements from other products or campaigns. This facilitates content repurposing and ensures a coherent brand message across multiple product lines. 

By providing these varied creation methods, the system ensures that businesses can efficiently produce copy that meets the diverse requirements of their product portfolio, whether they're creating a brand-new text, adapting a standard template, or leveraging existing content for new products. 

Language and Translation Support

Globalize packaging content seamlessly with multi-language support and translation

  • The system can manage multiple languages and regional variations for each copy element, facilitating the adaptation of pack copy for different markets.
  • This feature ensures that all packaging can be accurately localized for different regions, to suit the linguistic and cultural nuances of each market.  
  • The workflow can also integrate with professional translation services or utilize automated online translation services, with options for manual review to ensure the highest quality of the final content. 

Template Management

Craft packaging content swiftly with pre-designed templates that ensure brand consistency

  • The system includes a sophisticated template management feature where predefined sets of copy elements can be combined and utilized to create new packaging content efficiently.
  • These templates streamline the creation process by providing a standardized framework that can be customized as needed for individual products while maintaining consistency in brand voice and design.
  • This feature not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors by providing a consistent base for content creation.

Content Reuse and Consistency

Repurpose existing content across similar products to ensure uniformity in brand voice and identity

  • The system includes a robust content reuse mechanism that allows for the repurposing of existing content across various packaging formats, ensuring brand consistency and message uniformity.
  • This feature aids in maintaining a consistent voice and identity across all products and reduces the effort and cost associated with creating new content from scratch for each package.
  • Additionally, it helps in avoiding discrepancies that can arise from manual copy entry, contributing to a more cohesive brand experience for customers.

Metadata-Driven Content Availability

Leverage metadata to automatically locate relevant artworks

  • The system includes a dynamic business rule engine that utilizes metadata associated with each pack to determine content.  
  • These rules can be configured to automatically include certain content elements based on the metadata attributes of a new pack copy.
  • By setting this up, the system automatically determines which content elements are appropriate and available for a particular package.
  • This intelligent content curation ensures that all newly created copies are not only compliant with the relevant regulations but also aligned with brand standards and market-specific requirements. 

Comments and Instructions

Add comments to ensure a centralized communication channel that captures the rationale behind content decisions

  • The system allows users to add comments and detailed instructions to each copy element within the content repository.
  • These annotations can guide designers on aspects such as the placement of text on the artwork, specific font sizes, color requirements, and other design-related specifications.
  • It serves as a centralized communication channel that captures the rationale behind content decisions, providing valuable context for all team members involved in the packaging design process. 

Content Distribution to PIM Systems

Distribute the approved pack copy content by integrating with your PIM system with ease

  • Streamline content distribution with direct integration between the Pack Copy Management System and your PIM system. 
  • Once finalized and approved, pack copy content is automatically transmitted to the PIM system, ensuring consistent and up-to-date product information across retail channels, e-commerce platforms, and digital marketplaces.

Advanced Search and Replace Functionality

Quickly identify and update content across multiple pack copies, ensuring consistency throughout

  • The system is equipped with an advanced search and replace feature that allows users to quickly find and update content across multiple pack copies.
  • This is particularly useful for making widespread updates, such as changing a brand message, addressing regulatory amendments, or correcting a common error. 
  • This feature is a significant time-saver and contributes to maintaining consistency and accuracy in packaging content across the entire product range.

Advanced Search and Replace Functionality

Quickly identify and update content across multiple pack copies, ensuring consistency throughout

  • The system is equipped with an advanced search and replace feature that allows users to quickly find and update content across multiple pack copies.
  • This is particularly useful for making widespread updates, such as changing a brand message, addressing regulatory amendments, or correcting a common error. 
  • This feature is a significant time-saver and contributes to maintaining consistency and accuracy in packaging content across the entire product range.

Individual Content Level Approval Workflows

Ensure each piece of content undergoes a rigorous review and approval process

  • The system employs a sophisticated workflow mechanism for content approval at the individual content element level. This ensures that every piece of content, whether it's a warning label, ingredient list, or marketing blurb, undergoes a rigorous review and approval process.  
  • Stakeholders can approve or request changes to each element, and the system meticulously tracks these approvals within the overall workflow. 
  • This approach enhances the agility and precision of the content approval process, allowing for specific content adjustments without impacting the progress of other content components.

Version Control

Maintain granular control over packaging content with precise, element-level version control

  • Copy Manager offers granular version control at the individual content level, allowing for detailed tracking and management of each piece of content.
  • This feature enables users to make and track changes to specific sections or elements of the pack copy without affecting the entire document.
  • This approach to version control ensures that updates and revisions are handled with precision, reducing the risk of overarching errors that can occur when managing versions of entire documents or packages. 

Bulk Edit and Bulk Approval

Enable approvers and editors to make widespread changes across multiple pack copies at one go

  • The system offers a bulk editing feature, allowing users to make widespread changes across multiple pack copies simultaneously. 
  • Stakeholders can approve or request changes to each element, and the system meticulously tracks these approvals within the overall workflow. 
  • This approach enhances the agility and precision of the content approval process, allowing for specific content adjustments without impacting the progress of other content components.

Audit Log

Track all content changes, ensuring transparency, accountability, and regulatory compliance

  • The Copy Manager incorporates a comprehensive audit log feature that meticulously records every action performed within the system. This includes tracking the creation, modification, and deletion of content, along with user approvals and rejections. 
  • The audit log is an invaluable tool for maintaining transparency, ensuring accountability, and providing a clear trail of documentation for regulatory compliance and internal audits. 
  • It allows organizations to monitor system usage and content changes effectively, which is critical for quality control and for resolving any issues that may arise during the pack copy lifecycle.

Comprehensive Search Tool

Enable users to effortlessly locate specific content using filters

  • The system boasts a sophisticated search tool that enables users to effortlessly locate specific content across various pack copies.
  • This search functionality is designed to handle complex queries and can filter results based on a multitude of criteria, such as product lines, regions, languages, and more.
  • Users can quickly find any text, image, or symbol within the repository, which is particularly useful for managing large volumes of content and for ensuring that all packaging remains current and consistent with brand standards.
  • This feature is a significant asset for content managers who need to oversee and update packaging content efficiently.

Content Export Options

Export content in Excel, Word and XML to facilitate different business needs and external processes

The system is equipped with the capability to export content in various formats to facilitate different business needs and external processes. Users can export pack copy content as:

  • Excel: For data analysis, further editing, or to use within other tools that support spreadsheet manipulation.
  • Word: To create documents that can be easily shared and reviewed by stakeholders who may prefer a familiar editing environment.
  • GS1 XML: To comply with industry standards for product information exchange and ensure compatibility with global supply chain processes. 

Adobe Illustrator Plugin Integration

Directly import the approved pack content to the design space, maintaining the integrity of the text

  • The system seamlessly integrates with the Adobe Illustrator plugin, streamlining the workflow for designers.
  • This integration allows the approved content from the Copy Manager to be directly imported into Adobe Illustrator, where designers can then use it within their artwork layouts. 
  • The plugin ensures that the content is accurately transferred, maintaining the integrity of the text, images, icons, and symbols as they are placed into the design environment.  
  • This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of manual input errors, enhancing the efficiency of the design process and ensuring consistency across all packaging materials.

What are the benefits of Copy Manager?


Enhanced Efficiency

Automates repetitive tasks and streamlines the creation, approval, and distribution of content, saving time and reducing the need for manual intervention.

Consistency and Brand Integrity

Ensures that all packaging materials are consistent with the company's branding guidelines, which helps maintain a strong and cohesive brand image across multiple products and markets.

Compliance Management

Facilitates compliance with regional and international regulations by providing tools to manage and update legal disclaimers, ingredient lists, and nutritional information easily.  

Error Reduction

Minimizes the risk of human error through automation, standardization, and a single source of truth for copy elements, leading to fewer costly mistakes in packaging content.  

Speed to Market

Accelerates the process of bringing new products to market by enabling quick creation and adaptation of packaging copy, which is particularly beneficial for companies with large and varied product lines.

Market Responsiveness

Enables quick response to market trends and consumer demands by allowing rapid updates to packaging content.

Cost Savings

Reduces the potential for recalls or legal issues due to incorrect packaging content and decreases the need for external agencies by handling many tasks in-house.  

Quality Control

Integrates with design tools like Adobe Illustrator to ensure that the final artwork aligns with approved copy, enhancing the overall quality of packaging.

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