We are trusted by 5,000+ brands worldwide

Efficient collaboration between departments, agencies, and printers ensures seamless workflow and quality outcomes.

Collaborate seamlessly with other departments, agencies and printers

  • Minimize Errors

    Get everyone on the same page by streamlining the artwork approval process. Manage pack copy, leverage AI-powered proofing tools for artwork review and manage artwork revisions within the DAM to minimize errors and enhance accuracy.
  • Stay Compliant

    Ensure regulatory compliance and maintain brand consistency across all products and markets to reduce the risk of recalls
  • Launch Faster

    Streamline your workflows for maximum efficiency, reduce the number of iterations, and expedite the launch of your products

Tailored to Address the Unique Challenges of
Packaging & Artwork Management

Serial & Parallel Workflows

Create and manage workflows with serial and parallel routing to make the most of your artwork and proof approval processes

User Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface that can be configured to meet the needs of the organization, individual users, internal and external teams

Audit Trails

Comprehensive audit trails to track all changes made to packaging content and artwork review ensuring transparency and accountability. 


Customizable checklists to help you stay on track and ensure that all necessary steps are completed. 

Digital Asset Management

Store, Organize & Manage all product and packaging digital assets from a central system with easy search and retrieval options.

Automated Proofing & Comparison

Automated proofing and comparison tools to help identify errors in digital designs and print proofs early on in the packaging process. 

Pack Copy Management

One central location for all product pack copy with content versioning, approvals and translations.

Adobe Plugin

Use the Adobe Illustrator and InDesign plugins to bring pack copy directly into the design tool and reduce cut-and-paste errors

Version Control

Automatic version control capabilities to track changes and ensure that your teams access and work on only the latest version. 

What can you do with ManageArtworks?

Manage Content

Collate, approve, and manage all packaging content, including product details, ingredients, translations, and marketing claims

Review & Approve Artworks and Proofs

Use your own workflow to route artworks and proofs through department stakeholders, agencies and printers

Manage Packaging & Print Specifications

Build, approve, and manage all packaging and print specifications across products, including customizing templates for various SKUs and components, reusing existing specifications and collaborating with suppliers.

Proof-read your Artworks

Use our AI-powered proofing tools to analyze colors, layers, fonts, barcodes and braille. Spell check in 20+ languages. Compare artworks, leaflets, inserts, proofs and perform offline print inspection on in-coming materials.

Store, Search & Share Digital Assets

Multi-format files

Manage PDF, AI, Docs and Image files and preview them in one centralized platform

Metadata Search

Search and retrieve files through advanced metadata/facet-based search and search within the content of files too.

Version Control

Automatic version control guarantees that the latest approved version of the file is used when viewing and sharing.
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ManageArtworks protects your data with Security and Compliance

Single Sign-On

Support for SSO with any provider like Azure AD, Okta, PING, etc.

Access Control

Define user roles and permissions to ensure that only authorized users have access to specific assets and projects.

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11 Compliant

ManageArtworks meets all requirements for Part 11 and Annex 11 compliance like audit logs, electronic signatures, etc.

Data Security and Privacy

As an ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified organization, we adhere to the highest standards of data security and privacy. We ensure that all customer data is managed securely on the cloud, employing industry-leading best practices.
why choose manageartworks

Why choose ManageArtworks?

Over the past five years, 4000+ brands have experienced tangible benefits by integrating ManageArtworks into their operations


Reduction in Approval Time


Faster time to Market


Value for Money


Visibility in Packaging process

Accelerate Artwork Projects With Our Automated Proofing Tools

Eliminate the chance of errors slipping through. Enhance collaboration and expedite your time to market with our AI-powered proofing software.
artwork proofing - color analysis
Color Analysis

Perfect your palette with precision

Ensure accurate color representation by analyzing Spot, CMYK and Pantone colors.
Preview color separation and ink coverage to maintain consistency and achieve the desired vibrancy in your packaging design.
artwork proofing - spell check
Spell Check

Ensure Multilingual Accuracy

Integrate a powerful spellchecking tool into your artwork process to ensure accuracy over 35 languages.
Create customized dictionaries, receive precise spelling suggestions, and generate detailed spellcheck reports.
artwork proofing - Layer analysis
Layer Analysis

Eliminate distractions and review with ease.

Control layer visibility and focus on specific elements present in the artwork.
Improve the accuracy of comparisons by eliminating the chances of false discrepancies due to non-printing elements.
artwork proofing - Font analysis
Font Analysis

Ace your font guidelines

Easily access comprehensive font details like font name, size, casing, height, and width within your packaging artwork. 
Ensure that your fonts meet brand and regulatory guidelines minimizing errors and inconsistencies. 
artwork proofing - Barcode analysis
Barcode Analysis

Validate your Barcodes

Efficiently inspect 1D and 2D barcodes and verify their accuracy.
Measure and grade the quality of a printed barcode according to international ISO/IEC standards. 

Comment on the artworks real time

Enable stakeholders to collaborate and annotate real time on the packaging artwork.
Facilitate designers to gain instant access to all annotations within the system, eliminating the delay in manual processes where designers await collated feedback.
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Image Comparison

Compare Graphics with ease 

Conduct a pixel-by-pixel comparison of images across various versions of your artwork. 
Spot differences in color, text, and barcodes, making it simple to locate and address deviations. 
artwork proofing - Text Comparison
Text Comparison

Verify Text Similarities 

Compare text across different versions of your artwork effortlessly, identifying variations and inconsistencies. 
Detect differences in text, font styles, case, and more with ease. 

Ready to see how ManageArtworks could work for you?